[CLUE-Admin] Linux Fun-da-mentals details..

Lynn Danielson lynnd at techangle.com
Wed Aug 21 00:48:00 MDT 2002

Jeff, do you have any problems with us putting the following info on
our CLUE website?  If not, perhaps we should announce this in the News
and Notes section as well.  I could replicate the cert.html and modify
it for this, but Dave's welcome to take care of it if he's got time.


-------- Original Message --------
From: David Willson <DLWillson at TheGeek.NU>

I am sorry for the borched email and the confusion I caused.  Here are
the missing details...

What :
Linux Fun-da-mentals is an unstructured, loosely topical study group (or
support group, maybe) which is dedicated to increasing mainstream
usability of Linux by helping average users and/or new technicians to
learn the fun-da-mentals.  There is no instructor, but I try to be an
effective facilitator.
~This~ Wednesday's main topic is "OpenOffice: Why you should install the
JRE first."  All attendees will get a CD with the JRE, JDK,
JDK+ForteForJava, OpenOffice 1.01, and StarOffice 5.2, all for Linux and
Windows.  Whoo, is that a lotta stuph or what?

When :
Every other Wednesday at 5'ish, but I screw around with the schedule now
and then so keep your eyes peeled.  (What a horrid expression!)

Where :
The Parsec Group
405 Urban Street
Suite 100, Classroom 2
Lakewood  80228
Abbr dir:  Hwy 6 west from I-25 to Union, south to 4th, then two rights.
Paul Bille put this in his public calendar at:
http://bille.cudenver.edu/calendar, as

Somebody wanna stick this stuph on the CLUE site for me?  Should I start
a list, and stop polluting the CLUE lists?  Your thoughts welcomed here!

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