[CLUE-Admin] ACC space.

David Anselmi anselmi at americanisp.net
Fri Dec 6 10:04:06 MST 2002

I talked to Jim today.  ACC rents out their space - the Half Moon (seats 
150) is $176 per event (a projector would be extra ~$60).  They may 
require payment for parking and they want us to have liability insurance.

So that doesn't seem to be such a good deal.  I asked him whether there 
was any way to get a staff member to sponsor us and avoid all that, but 
he hasn't found an avenue yet.

Does the hotel we were talking about require liability insurance?

Have we polled the membership to see whether there is an employer that 
would offer us space?  We could also talk to other groups, like FRUUG or 
DJUG and find out how they got space.  I think it is as worthwhile to 
pursue free space as to pursue sponsors.

If it does come down to paying for space we may want to consider 
becoming a more formal organization.  Non-profit status, a treasurer, 
fund raising.  Or maybe not.


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