[CLUE-Adm] new group

Jeffery Cann fabian at jefferycann.com
Sat Jan 12 20:50:03 MST 2002

On Saturday 12 January 2002 12:39 pm, ht wrote:
> I wonder if any of your members who live on the north side
> of town would be interested in starting a new linux group
> or a sub group so they wouldn't have to drive all the way
> to the Tech Center. For example, I would like to attend
> your meetings but I live in Arvada. Please mention this
> and see what the response is. Thank you.


Thanks for your comments.  You are not the first person who has asked for a 
CLUE-North meeting.

We have a number of folks who live in North Metro and (because of the time 
of the meeting and traffic) are unable (or do not wish to drive) to attend 
our meetings.  This has been the case since CLUE was started 8 years ago.  In 
fact, when CLUE first started, we met in East Aurora at Smoky Hill -- about 
10 miles East of our current DTC meeting location.  Not very convenient...

There is the Boulder LUG (http://lug.boulder.co.us/) which may be closer to 
you (maybe not!).  We often refer folks in Arvada to this LUG.  Some are 
regular attendees, some are not.

The CLUE volunteer admins have talked over the years about a 'North Metro' 
meeting.  However, most of the volunteer admins live in or near the DTC, so 
we would face the same issues of travel after work. 

I support your idea to start a sub-LUG or new CLUE-North LUG.  There are a 
number of logistical issues to work out, such as a public (free) meeting 
place, speaker schedule, etc.  For a sub-LUG, we would need one or two (or 
more) admins to work out the logistics.  Would you like to volunteer?

A sub-LUG could start out simply -- maybe have a bi-monthly meeting for the 
first 6 - 12 months to determine if you have consistent attendance and to 
find reliable volunteer admins.  As the group becomes more popular, you could 
move to a regulary monthly meeting.

I will forward your message to CLUE-Talk and CLUE-Tech.  I will add your 
questions as the first poll question on the CLUE home page 
(http://clue.denver.co.us/).  I am setting this up tonight...

Finally, if you have other comments about my response, I appreciate your 

Jeffery Cann
CLUE president

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