[CLUE-Admin] Re: [CLUE-Adm] Apr KISS.

Dave Anselmi anselmi at americanisp.net
Sat Mar 9 18:14:26 MST 2002

Lynn Danielson wrote:


> It's been ages since someone did a ssh presentation.  Three or four
> years I think.  But yeah, I had talked to John Kottal about him
> doing a Debian KISS talk next month.  He said he'd be ready to do
> it.  If you're anxious to give a talk next month, I d doubt he'd
> mind, but I better check.  I'll get back.

I was confused because you said "next month" in Feb, but now I realize you
meant April because the March KISS isn't Debian.  But let me know when I
should do ssh - I don't care if it's sooner or later (as long as you give me a
few weeks to think about slides and such).


> Networking could be a great talk.  I remember one guy who requested
> this in the past.  When we finally got some networking presentations
> scheduled, they were so low level and theory oriented that he was
> upset and never came back.

I think that theory is important, because it gives insight when configuring or
troubleshooting.  But I would try hard to keep things practical.  So I'm
thinking some basic packet structure, with explanations why things are in
there, followed by some "what files do you look at to make all this work".

At this point I don't have a good feel for how long all this would take--could
we do something useful in one session?  How would we split things for two?
Anyone have any ideas about polling the group to see what's desired?  I don't
want to just throw out an email because people may not know enough to ask the
right questions and thus would lead us to present something they weren't

I'll think some more and see if I can't make an outline.  But I'd rather take
my time on that so I'm still up for the KISS whenever you have an opening.


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