[CLUE-Admin] Meeting with Art Reisman today

Lynn Danielson lynnd at techangle.com
Sun Jul 27 10:43:05 MDT 2003

Late notice I'm afraid, but ...

I'll be meeting with Art Reisman at 2:00 this afternoon to brainstorm some
ideas for publicising his upcomming presentation next month.  Art has 
to bring CDs of the commercial version of Bandwidth Arbitrator to give out
to all attendees of the meeting.  A value of $149.

While bandwidth arbitrator <http://www.bandwidtharbitrator.com/> is an
open source project, Art is selling a value added version which includes
reporting tools.   He's also selling a plug-in appliance solution.

Please join us if you can, but if can't, feel free to send any 
suggestions you
may have to the list.

Does anyone know who to contact at the News or the Post to try to get a
blurb about our next meeting and Art's presentation published?

Gus usually puts a note about our meetings in ComputerEdge, would it
be possible to update this with a specific note about Art's meeting and
his give away offer?

Jeff said that he'd contact fruug and other area lug's and ask them to
pass the word.

The cola list came to mind.  Are their any other Linux usenet lists you
would suggest posting to?

Art and I will most likely be hanging out at a table on the first floor of
the Falling Rock this afternoon.  Possibly outside if it's not too hot.  If
you can't join us, please send your comments and suggestions to the



If you can't or don't join Art a

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