[CLUE-Admin] webserver maintenence notes

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Thu Apr 1 12:20:01 MST 2004

On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 22:09:17 -0700
"Jed S. Baer" <thag at frii.com> wrote:

> OK, this is all setup now. *Should* work fine.

logrotate didn't like my conf file, so I had to force it after fixing the

Couple interesting things, though.

$ ls -rot /var/apache/logs/
-rw-r--r--   1 root      1895521 Apr  1 18:03 access_log
$ date
Thu Apr  1 11:10:40 MST 2004

It's a little disconcerting to have directory listings in UTC.

Anyways, looks like logrotate has changed quite a bit since RH6.2, so
features such as multiple files per entry, and "sharedscripts" aren't
there. Also, compress didn't work, indicating that logrotate is trying to
compress while the log file is still open, while the newer logrotate
appears to handle this -- I assume by delaying the compression until after
the postrotate script.

However, it appears everything works now, although it'll take May's run to
tell for sure.

Note that we can now see the search strings that bring people to the
website, for 31-March forward. Most interesting search string so far?
"pizzahut pakistan" --
http://clue.denver.co.us/pipermail/clue-tech/2004-February/009248.html is
result #4 on Google.


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