[CLUE-Admin] Admin meeting - select date

Lynn Danielson lynnd at techangle.com
Tue Jan 6 19:21:35 MST 2004

Jed S. Baer wrote:

>On Tue, 6 Jan 2004 05:27:06 -0700
>CLUE President <president at clue.denver.co.us> wrote:
>>It's been 6 months since our last official meeting, so let's get
>>together again.
>>Please indicate your preference for one of the following dates:
>>Date - Time
>>1/17  - 1 to 3 pm
>>1/24 - 1 to 3 pm 
>>1/31 - 1 to 3 pm 
>No preference here.

As of now, I have no conflicts with any of these dates.
My preference would be the 17th if that suits everyone else.

Meeting location -- Falling Rock?


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