[CLUE-Admin] Anonymous CVS Access

Jed S. Baer thag at frii.com
Thu Jan 22 21:23:20 MST 2004

On Sat, 17 Jan 2004 21:33:16 -0700
CLUE President <president at clue.denver.co.us> wrote:

> You are on the case - My initial configuration does not have the same 
> assumptions as yours and you're in charge of it now.   So,  do what you
> think is best.  I hacked it together because I was a cvs newbie and
> because I didn't have clear requirements other than the ability for
> admin users to publish the latest cvs commits to the web site from the
> cgi.

Yeah, well I'm busy making nifty discoveries here, getting stuck, and
achieving unexpected results.

I think I've flogged the Cederqvist enough on this, so here's the scoop.

Before doing anything, I revisited the /usr/local/cvsroot/CVSROOT
directory, just to be sure I hadn't missed anything, such as all those rcs
files for most everything that's in there, which I hadn't noticed earlier.
This got me wondering about there being a canonical way to update those
files, which I discovered was by checking out the project 'CVSROOT'. So I
did that, made appropriate changes to the passwd, readers, and loginfo

The readers file commited OK.

The passwd file commited OK, but when I check what's in CVSROOT, it
doesn't match what I did to my working copy. Specifically, the anonymous
user is still present with a password. Other changes were made correctly,

The loginfo file will not commit. The message is 'cvs [server aborted]:
Revision 1.2 is already locked by pubcvs'

Since the Cederqvist has only a partial list of error messages (appendix
F.1), I'm now stuck, since I can't figure out the cause of this message.
Umm, it's probably because the loginfo file was edited directly, but I
don't know how CVS recognizes this, or how to get it to just go ahead and
update. I tried wiping my working copy, checking out again, redoing the
edit, and recommiting. No luck. I tried forcing a new revision using
"-r'1.3'" but no luck there either -- same message. Tried 'cvs admin -u
loginfo' -- no help.

Looking at the loginfo,v file, here's a likely suspect:

$ more loginfo,v 
head    1.2;
        pubcvs:1.2; strict;

The rcsfile(5) manpage is no help here.

So, I'm stuck.


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