[clue-admin] Email Lists Referendum

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Mon Dec 20 20:18:34 MST 2010

I did not get any calls or emails from folks wanting to attend the meeting by phone. If I missed your call or email, I'm sorry. Please call me, and let me know what you would have voted if I hadn't prevented you from attending this meeting.

I will collect votes on this issue until the January meeting. Dave Anselmi says I should take votes by email. So, if you'd rather vote this issue by email, send me an email with your first and last names and your preference.

Collins Richey
Dave Anselmi
David Willson
Matt Bidwell
Matt Dew
Dennis Perkins
Brian W Gibson
Gus Calabrese

One and Announce
Jon Buttjer
Matt Bredenberg

Current: Admin, Announce, Cert, Jobs, Talk, and Tech
David Holz
Tom Kawamoto
- anonymous -

Shawn Perry: Topical BBS synced to email + social nets presence

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