[clue-admin] Email Lists

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Tue Dec 21 18:47:03 MST 2010

Jed, Crawford, Greg, and whomever else thinks the status quo is fine.

Please take a moment and look at the amount of traffic the "off-topic" lists are getting.


My main beef is this: We don't have "an email list" for "CLUE". I've talked with enough people to know I'm not imagining that. It's a big benefit, and our users deserve it, if we can give it without too much cost to ourselves.

There's no traffic any more! Was there once too much? I don't know, but if it was ever there, it's gone now. Cut the dead wood away, and bring the group back together as ONE. Any list that averages less than 10 messages per month doesn't need a separate list, IMO.

The talk about getting CLUE revitalized has generated more postings than everything CLUE was doing... Let everyone be involved in everything, at the cost of having to hit the delete key once every couple days.

Example: 3 job-related posts per month are invisible to some CLUEbies. It may be helpful to you not to have to hit delete 3x per month, but it is un-helpful to those that need the help, and to those that need the job. The CLUE-Cert list is the same way.

I really want any Joe or Jane that just heard about Linux, or just got invited to a CLUE meeting, to be able to join "the CLUE list" and post any of the following WITHOUT having to learn which lists CLUE has and how to use them, AND without getting flamed.

"What's your favorite distribution?"
"I'm having a party at my house and I'd like to invite you all."
"I just put up a website. Can you look and see if it sucks?"
"I'm a SysAdmin/Web Developer, and I need a job."
"How do I submit a bug-report on dd?"
"Does anyone here know Python? I need a hand with it for a few weeks."

Again, please just take a second and look at the archive lengths: http://cluedenver.org/mailman/listinfo. It's seems like we're way over-partitioning for the amount of data we have.

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