[clue-admin] to renew or not to renew ....... that is the question 20101222

YES NOPE9 yes at nope9.com
Wed Dec 22 13:45:41 MST 2010

Based on the suggestions of David Anselmi and Jeff Haemer (BLUG )....

I went ahead and just for fun set up a test email list for CLUE.
The email list works okay and it would cost CLUE zero -- zip -- nada.
zero -- zip -- nada   zero -- zip -- nada   zero -- zip -- nada

To subscribe to the list, send a message to:
  <clue-subscribe at clue.nope9.com>

You can start a subscription for an alternate address,
for example "john at host.domain", just add a hyphen and your
address (with '=' instead of '@') after the command word:
   <clue-subscribe-john=host.domain at clue.nope9.com>

To remove your address from the list, just send a message to
the address in the ``List-Unsubscribe'' header of any list
message. If you haven't changed addresses since subscribing,
you can also send a message to:
  <clue-unsubscribe at clue.nope9.com>

If you need to get in touch with the human owner of this list,
please send a message to:

   <clue-owner at clue.nope9.com>      <== that's me   Gus in Denver

I am setting up a FAQ that will explain how to be an administrator, fetch archived messages , etc.
        how to do everything

This will be one list with tags to allow accepting or trashing messages.
Tags are:  ( and may be easily be added or subtracted )
LINUXTAG   stuff about Linux
OPENTAG    stuff about open source
ADMINTAG   stuff of administrivia   demands for more CLUE cloud support
EVENTSTAG  announcement of events
OTTAG      Off Topic  rants, politics, etc.
JOBSTAG    messages about JOBS

This list works and just about any TQ* can administer it.
It is running on Linux.
It is not full of cool and arcane Linux command strings ( just a few )
And just remember ...... it costs zero nada zip

I can set up a website for CLUE in about two days ..... with the same caveats
Low TQ* required.   Lots of fun for everyone adding content.
It is running on Linux.
It is not full of cool and arcane Linux command strings ( just a few )
And just remember ...... it costs zero nada zip

*TQ    Technical Quotient   .... ability to read dense documents without falling asleep.

Gus in Denver   99gus

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