[CLUE-Cert] Another practice question

Lynn Danielson lynn.danielson at clue.denver.co.us
Mon Sep 3 13:49:03 MDT 2001

I don't remember if we even came to a consensus.  Would you
mind sending this one into SAIR?  I think the stated answer
to the sample question is wrong.  Once a library is statically
linked into a program, it is no longer shared.  So, I don't
see how A can be a correct answer. 

The text on page 16 makes sense to me, but I don't think it's
saying that static-linked libraries are shared libraries.  I
think the correct answer should be B & C.


Sean LeBlanc wrote:
> Which of the following are valid types of shared libraries?
> (Select all that apply).
> A. Static-linked
> B. Simple page shared
> C. Dynamic page shared
> D. Inline-linked.
> The answer key has A,B,D for the answer, but on page 16,
> it reads, "There are three ways to join subroutines to a
> program: exclusively or static-linked, simple page sharing,
> and dynamic page sharing."
> Based on that, I would think the answer should be A, B, C.
> I know we had talked about this particular question at one
> of our meetings, but I can't remember what the consensus was.

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