[CLUE-Cert] 4 Nov meeting.

Dennis J Perkins djperkins at americanisp.net
Fri Oct 31 15:48:44 MST 2003

I will be in Alabama next week doing a start-up.  You can still bring the CDs 
if you don't think you will be at the following meeting.  Thanks.

We still eat at Hoong's.

> My guess is that the next cert meeting is 4 Nov.  I think I can make 
> that one and since there's no info out on the CLUE meeting in Nov I'll 
> do cert instead (and bring Sarge CDs for Dennis).
> I also think I'll change the cert web page "next meeting" to "1st & 3rd 
> Tue" rather than "4 March 2003".  Looks like the rest of the page is 
> current assuming you're still eating at Hoong's.  Is that the case?
> Dave
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