No subject

Thu Dec 20 20:46:54 MST 2007

card goes. I was leaning towards just getting a cheapo beige regular size
box at contactpc or the like, but after reading some of the thread(s)
dealing with power, I'm not so sure. It looks like something that draws less
power might be more appealing, but I don't want to have to contend with heat

It looks like the following would be needed:

1. Capture card. Probably the WinPVR 250/350. I haven't speced this out to
see what it provides yet.  
2. CD/DVD player. 
3. Sound card. Probably onboard would be enough.
4. Hard drive space. Lots and lots of hard drive space. I saw some guy
mention 3 80G drives in his box. 

Other stuff:
5. Wireless NIC?
6. Card that provides joystick interface.
7. Remote - card needed?

For the meetings themselves we'd need a set of bunny ears (unless there is
cable there. :) ) with any adapter needed for input to machine and a TV. 

I have to read more on this, but feel free to chime in with any pointers or
suggestions on this whole thing. It'd be nice to have something to start
working on next time we meet up. I guess not all the things are necessary
right off the bat...probably a lot of prelim stuff like installing a distro
(which one, I'm not sure) and downloading, compiling, etc. can all be done
w/o having capture card, remote, etc. 

Sean LeBlanc:seanleblanc at
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