[CLUE-Talk] Antitrust

Lynn Danielson Lynn.Danielson at clue.denver.co.us
Fri Jan 19 11:54:24 MST 2001

Matthew Porter wrote:
> Would any CLUEbies be interested in getting together on some non-
> meeting night or weekend to go see the movie Antitrust?
> I still don't know if it's a "cool adventure with Open Source
> advocacy" movie, or just another "Hollywood tries to portray computer
> people and fails laughably" movie, but either way it could be a fun
> evening for a bunch of penguinheads.

I definitely want to see this show.  If you're coming in from
Golden the Pavillion theaters might be a good place to see it.
Saturday night is out for me.  How about a Sunday matinee?  

Lynn Danielson

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