Kevin Cullis kevincu at orci.com
Mon Jun 4 21:05:55 MDT 2001

Jeffery Cann wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Monday 04 June 2001 13:23, Kevin Cullis wrote:
> > I don't know why it's not posting, but would a potential employer want
> > to hire someone with such a disparaging email address you have?  Is it
> > professional enough for someone to hire you?
> I don't think it's fair to criticize someone's email address, do you?

I'm not criticising him, only if he sends his resume from that email
address.  If anyone is using funny email addresses for professional
reasons, some would think it's funny, others not, but I wouldn't take a
chance personally on something which might be offensive to someone.  If
he sends his resume via that email, that's his choice, but someone might
not take offense to it and trash his resume because of it.

Jeff, you need to take a look at criticism itself. As a friend, would
you let someone do what they want if it might cause them harm?  If I
point it out and he still wants to do it, that's his choice and he'll
either suffer or benefit from it, but I was trying to better his
chances.  Lighten up Jeff, just because someone has an opinion doesn't
mean he has to keep it to himself, but to act like a madman about it is

Is it fair that he lose the chance at a job because someone thought it
offensive?  I don't know if he posts to CLUEJOBS with it or not, but I
was heading off potential problems if he does.  If wants to send it to
CLUE Talk or friends, that's different.  But you know the Internet, once
it's out there, you can't remove it.  Emailer beware.

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