Iraq [was Re: [CLUE-Talk] Slashdot Gun Control]

G. Richard Raab rraab at
Tue Dec 17 06:24:08 MST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 16 December 2002 11:00 pm, Kevin Cullis wrote:
> If you want to know how the Palestinians view antiquities, see this
> site:

	Throughout history, the conquerors of another place will try to wipe out the 
past of another. This is more so when the war is still going on to try and 
remove incentive to the other. Think about all the items of Hitlers that were 
destroyed after the war. Even now, Germany and France have laws to prevent 
anything Nazi or Hitler related. Here in the states after the civil war, we 
also destroyed many of the plantations where slaves were kept at it in order 
to prevent their being used for anything and as punishment.

	Today, many ppl have tried to prevent the confederate flag and Nazi symbol 
from being shown. When you think about how much importance that we, as a 
people, attach to a piece of cloth rather than what it represents, it makes 
sense. That is, we seem to hold the American flag in greater reverence than 
the principles for which it stands for. For that reason, many will decry the 
other's symbols. This is really no different.

	Jews and Christians also did a lot of wiping out of the Egyptian history. We 
burned and destroyed much of their writing as we saw them as pagans. The 
Spanish Christians destroyed much of what they saw. Many scientists have been 
punished or put to death due to their heiratical teachings. Things like the 
earth is not the center of the universe or that the earth is a globe, not 
flat. It is not just the islamics who have been destructive and try to stop 

But I will have to say considering the uniqueness and non-reproducibility of 
this site, I personally view it as a crime. and yes, it is no different than 
destroying the 4 buddhas. I do not understand why educated leaders can not 
take the bigger view of the world in today's time. 


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