[CLUE-Talk] Media's Iraq casualties put into perspective

G. Richard Raab rraab at plusten.com
Thu Jul 3 10:37:17 MDT 2003

On Wednesday 02 July 2003 08:39 pm, Kevin Cullis wrote:
> Thought you all would like to hear an anti-media perspective of the
> goings on in Iraq:

	I found it somewhat interesting. But it is simply, more of  W's BS agenda.

	Peter's puts it into perspective that the loss of life is not all that great. 
Well, that is true. But then again the lose of life from 911 was also not all 
that great, when put in the same perspective. We lose more than 3k a day from 
smoking on a daily basis just in the usa. Texas loses several kids a day to 
child abuse (IIRC, Texas was one of the top  5 for child abuse), which means 
that in one week more kdis die in Texas than died in 911. Both points of view 
are very correct, yet we make a big todo of 911 (however the main purpose of 
the feds it to protect our shores, so it is correct to do so ) and try to 
trivalize or ignore others. 

	As to the press itself, well, it is always a pack. They will always flock to 
where a story is developing wether it is real or created. Fox is a great 
example of that. Absolutly worthless as a news organization(Personally, I 
only watch cnn headlines as I find way to much bias in fox,cnn && msnbc and 
use the web for all else). But that is the nature of the beast.

	Finally, I do remember tuning into the news when I was 10 and listening to 
the casulty list being read off from 'nam. 10-30 / day. I can also imagine 
that there was a time when it was just 1-2 / day. Well, we are at 1-2 / day. 
And just as 'nam was a  guerrila war now, so is iraq now (W's admin is trying 
to shut the DOD up from calling it what it really is). Hopefully this time, 
we get out before too long and without much more interferences by the current 


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