[CLUE-Talk] More on the Oil and Iraq connection...

Timothy C. Klein teece at silverklein.net
Fri Jul 18 11:15:17 MDT 2003

* Randy Arabie (randy at arabie.org) wrote:
> Thanks for the link, Joe.  For the most part, I agree with
> what you said.  And, IMO Judicial Watch does "shoot straight."
> If Bush has lied about the reasons for going to war, then
> it would be grounds to consider impeachment...just as
> Clinton's perjury was.
> Here's my obligatory dig...

Sadly, many of Bush's supportes will not even make this statement. They
seem to have their mind totally closed to the possibility that GWB could
have done wrong.

> No WMD found [to date] in Iraq.
> CONCLUSION:  There never were any.

Hans Blix, if I remember right, said that as the days pass, he is coming
to this conclusion.  He feels that sometime during the 90s, Saddam
apparently destroyed all of his weapons, but was unwilling to tell the
inspecotrs or prove that he did.  He could have done this to perhaps
save face, or keep the threat of WMD as a detterent.  At the very least,
he sure as hell hid them good.

It is also important to remember when we talk about X tons of this, and
Y tons of that, we did not know that they have that stuff.  We simply
knew that at one point (around Gulf War I), they had this stuff.  We had
no idea if they still had it, or which is now quite obvious, where the
hell it was.

Of course, even if we find a functioning nuke tomorrow, in my mind GWB
still has a lot of questions to answer.  Because a lot of his
intelligence seems to have pointed in the opposite direction, that Iraq
was not a threat.  But somehow, several bits of very dubious intel. made
into very public discourse.  And all this dubious intel supports a case
for immediate intervention.  That, given the fact that I saw GWB in '99
or '00 tell a reporter that his first priority, if elected, would be to
restore honor to the office, his second would be to take care of Saddam.
So not only do I see problems with the evidence, I see motive to fudge
the evidence to support an action he had already decided to take.

== Timothy Klein || teece at silver_NO-UCE_klein.net   ==
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== "Hello, World" 17 Errors, 31 Warnings...         ==

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