[CLUE-Talk] SCO providing Linux licenses

Dennis J Perkins djperkins at americanisp.net
Tue Jul 22 06:44:08 MDT 2003

I wondered about the defamation angle when some of SCO's employees got involved 
in the group protesting SCO's actions.  They carried signs claiming that Linus 
and others don't honor IP, etc.  Could these be construed as defamation of 
character?  Onlookers might not have been able to tell the two groups apart.

What would happen if they could get the GPL declared invalid?  I don't think 
it's likely, not without jeopardizing all shrink-wrap licenses.  GPLed code 
would not become public domain that anyone could steal, since the copyright 
would not be affected.

> I wonder though, could kernel hackers sue on defamation (or libel, or....)? 
> SCO is simply a front-end for several companies, one being MS (the current 
> thread on some sites indicate that Sun is the other major backer; possibly it 
> is novell). By sueing for Libel, it might be possible to have corporate 
> records opened up a bit more and at a quicker pace.  I would like to know who 
> is a friend and who is a snake in the grass.

> - -- 
> cheers
> g.r.r.
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