[CLUE-Talk] Is this an open source license?

Matt Gushee mgushee at havenrock.com
Thu Nov 4 11:42:38 MST 2004

Hi, all--

Yesterday I tried out a new desktop environment called Athene, which is
developed by a company called Rocklyte Systems. It doesn't use X; it's
based on SNAP graphics from SciTech Software. But it can run X

Anyway, I haven't played with it enough to be able to make many informed
comments, but my first impression is that these guys have some *awesome*
technology, very well worth trying out. However, it also seems to me
that they don't completely get it WRT open source (I'm going to try to
get them to post some more info about their philosophy & strategy on
their Web site, but for now there's not much).

They do have a license that they consider to be open source. To me
it smells more like Sun's "Community" license than a genuine OSS
license--but I'd be interested in hearing some other opinions on this.
With the understanding, of course that IANAL/YANAL (unless you're Matt
Porter ;-).


Matt Gushee                 When a nation follows the Way,
Haven Rock Press            Horses bear manure through
Englewood, Colorado, USA        its fields;   
books at havenrock.com         When a nation ignores the Way,
                            Horses bear soldiers through
                                its streets.
                            --Lao Tzu (Peter Merel, trans.)

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