[clue-talk] warning regarding phpBB

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Fri May 27 14:18:10 MDT 2005

Angelo Bertolli wrote:

> Yeah, I don't know which is worse:  risk getting hacked, or having to 
> upgrade every freakin month.  I figure this is why they've stopped 
> putting the version number on the front page. 

It seems that the phpBB folks simply can't write secure code.  I 
wouldn't put a "production" phpBB site up on a dare -- after seeing 
their history of security problems. 

Same thing with phpNuke and PostNuke.

Fun software to play with - not so fun to have to keep safe.  Seems to 
hold true to the old axiom that the more flexible and feature-ful the 
software is, the more security holes it probably has lurking in it.


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