[clue-talk] [Fwd: Growing Pains: Jeremy Allison Leaves Novell in Protest - December 21, 2006]

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Fri Dec 22 10:26:39 MST 2006

Well.  This is strike two.  Now, I go into a holding pattern.

The initial webcast made me ~really~ suspicious and nervous, but I made
no changes to my plans and investments.  I chose to believe that this
was the move toward peace that Novell claimed it was.

Jeremy Allison's retirement forcibly changes my perception of that
event.  Now, I will make changes to my plans and investments.
Specifically, I will stop investing time and money in Novell and in
SUSE.  I will stop recommending it, and teaching it.  I will wait like
that, for the next turning-point event.  If it's positive, and
relationship-mending, I'll go back to where I was before.  Using,
teaching, and investing in Novell's SUSE distro, but warily watching
them.  If it's negative, I'll be all done with SUSE and Novell.  I will
regard it as a dead-end product, and will begin planning it's removal in
all the places where I've installed it.  I expect that it will come to
that, but I hope it won't.

If, after reading the attached, you want to read a ~great~ piece of
journalism from our own Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier, go to:

And, if you still have time left after that, check out samba.org for the
latest news.
-------------- next part --------------
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From: Linux Magazine Connection <editors at linux-mag.com>
Subject: Growing Pains: Jeremy Allison Leaves Novell in Protest - December
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Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2006 16:02:46 -0700 (MST)
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