[clue-talk] Lyx?

Brian Gibson bwg1974 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 7 08:43:52 MDT 2007

I've not tried Lyx, but like HTML, I prefer working in LaTeX at the code level.  Graphical editors tend to be unable to handle edge cases.  At least that's been my experience.  Since we're on the subject of LaTeX editors, any recommendations for Linux and Mac platforms?  I come from a MikTeX background and prefer an IDE-like interface vs graphical.  If it has a real time preview (like in a split-screen format) that'd be a plus but not required; a separate DVI viewer is sufficient which is the way MikTeX works.

----- Original Message ----
From: Sean LeBlanc <seanleblanc at comcast.net>
To: clue-talk at cluedenver.org
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 7:20:16 AM
Subject: [clue-talk] Lyx?

Anyone familiar with Lyx? I've poked around with it a bit before, but never
really achieved any sort of proficiency.

I'd like to create a book, generated in PDF, for a slicker sort of photo
album. Does Lyx seem like a good candidate for this? WYSIWYM sounds great to
me, I just don't know how the execution will be... 

Sean LeBlanc:seanleblanc at comcast.net  
It's useless to try to hold some people to anything they say while they're 
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