[clue-talk] licensing linux

Matt Poletiek chill550 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 10:21:43 MDT 2007

Liscencing is dead.

Intellectual property is dead.

As infrastructure grows, but economies fail.

It will be the ones who are free, providing free services, who will
ultimately be wealthy.

People will support the economic whores for they are now dependent
upon their free services.

$1.00 in the hands of a rich man does not go as far as $1.00 in the
hands of a pauper.

Stop looking to the corporate giants like a weather man watching clouds.

Those are not clouds, but air machines running out of fuel and passengers.

Next to them, under them, and high above them, fly free men. These men
taught themselves to fly with a free education. The planes were free,
the fuel is free, and the passengers aboard are there because they
chose to. Not because they have somewhere to go. They chose to fly
because they want to fly.

So fly.

Give up everything and finally fly.

On 8/15/07, Collins Richey <crichey at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/14/07, Nate Duehr <nate at natetech.com> wrote:
> > rjohnston at denverinternet.com wrote:
> > > so did this slip by friday, or did I just miss the comments?
> > >
> > > http://www.linuxworld.com/news/2007/081007-novell-wins-right-to-unix.html
> >
> > I didn't see a lot of hoopla -- I think it's such a given and a yawner
> > at this point that SCO would lose, that no one cares.
> >
> > The stock price is falling nicely though -- be forewarned that a large
> > crater will be opening up in Utah when it hits bottom.  :-)
> >
> I think a fair price for SCO stock would be $0.00, and I hope it gets
> there soon. Maybe Darl will get to spend some quality time with his
> family instead of wasting billions in legal fees.
> --
> Collins Richey
>      If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries
>      of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.
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Matthew Poletiek

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