[clue-talk] Re: Bible Academia

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Mon Oct 1 17:15:19 MDT 2007

Hm.  No answers yet.  OK, let me try another hypothetical question:

Many people, including myself, have or have had trouble with the
doctrine of Hell.  They just can't bend the knee to a God that cruel.
Is is possible that Hell is, and God is loving and just, anyway?

For example:

Could Hell be something that doesn't change, because it's intrinsic to
the situation, like free will?
Could living eternally, prohibited from entering God's house, be Hell?
Could God be warning us about Hell, not threatening us with Hell?
Could God have abilities of mind so far beyond ours that we have no
right or ability to judge him?

I walked alone for several lonely and trouble-filled years before
returning my focus to my God and my Jesus.  One of the primary reasons
that I stopped "being Christian" was that "If Tom's going to Hell, for
the lack of belief, then I can't worship God."  My friend Tom was and is
one of my most admired friends, and was and is, a total atheist,
entirely apathetic to God, and annoyed by most forms of religion.

I got better...  :-)

On Sun, 2007-09-30 at 21:32 -0600, David L. Willson wrote: 
> Suppose you are Jehovah.  You want to leave a message for your people,
> but you mustn't leave proof of your existence, because that would
> violate the free will thing.
> You may use anything you like, including wiping RAM and reloading the
> experiment (ie: the Flood) but you must leave them a great, long note,
> something they can use for up to ... well, indefinitely.  And they can't
> know you're there, only hope, because of the free will thing.
> How would you accomplish this in a manly manner?

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