[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

David Rudder david.rudder at reliableresponse.net
Fri Sep 21 14:50:10 MDT 2007

dennisjperkins at comcast.net wrote:
> Sorry, but I am not a fan of the ninny state.  People should take responsibility for their actions.  We're supposed to be adults.
I'm with you on that one, but I like regulation to keep *other* people 
from screwing me up. 

For instance, my son was way into Thomas the Tank Engine while he was 
teething.  Luckily, the wooden toys that had the lead paint were too 
expensive for me to waste money on as a teething toy.  But, the kid 
chewed on *everything*.  If we'd had more money or less sense, he would 
have swallowed a whole bunch of lead paint.

Another good example is the woman who made spinach smoothies for her 
son, who then died of ecoli.  She was behaving like a responsible, 
intelligent parent.  It's the government's job, IMO, to enforce basic 
health issues.

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