[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Mon Sep 24 00:03:38 MDT 2007

Just to throw another stone in the bucket:  Has the national debt become
a non-issue?  Isn't there ~anyone~ else who wants to wean this country
off deficit and pay off the debt?  I'm so old-fashioned...

All I ever hear anyone talk about is lower taxes and/or better programs;
I literally never hear anyone talk about paying off the debt.  I brought
it up in another place, and the only thing that was said was, "I don't
know what the solution to that is, but it's NOT higher taxes for an
already struggling work force."  Huh...  Am I the only person able to
track standard-of-living?  We're NOT struggling!  We're richer than
we've ever been, AND if we ever fall on thin times, we have no
compunctions about maintaining the standard of living on credit, and
then claiming bankruptcy just before things get better.

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