[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

rjohnston at denverinternet.com rjohnston at denverinternet.com
Fri Sep 28 14:41:22 MDT 2007

On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 09:25 -0600, Sean LeBlanc quoth:

> It's funny the different propaganda efforts that are out there....what's his
> name saying that there are no homosexuals in Iran...LOL. That might fly in
> Iran, but that draws howls of laughter and outrage here. I remember a
> Turkish girl I knew in uni days telling me there were no drugs in Turkey.
> She said she never heard of any in the papers/news. As a westerner, that was
> LOL funny. 

there are no homosexuals in Iran.  a friend of mine used to be a
teacher/missionary there before that became illegal. 

being gay is illegal - capital offense. 
where we have undercover cops to catch criminals - they have them to
find any underground gays. 
ie, if you get rid of all the homosexuals --> then there are no
homosexuals there . . . 

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