[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Fri Sep 28 18:35:07 MDT 2007

People are born gay, brown-haired, alcoholic, skinny, lazy, short,
crazy, and easy-going.  Being born with a predisposition toward a
behavior or attitude does not define it as healthy.

The majority of people can become disconnected from "healthy".  Just
because "everyone says so" doesn't make a thing true.  Sometimes, things
are logically provable,  and yet the majority of people will
emphatically deny, to preserve their self-interest.  Watch where the
bread is buttered.  Question more stringently an ethic any person,
including you, espouses, when that ethic happens to go in their/your

The overall affect of the behavior on the survivability of the
individual and the community determine right/good/healthy.

And which one of you said that guilt and shame are not normal and
healthy responses to unhealthy behavior?  Are you ready to defend that
position?  'Because I'm ready to start attacking it.

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