[clue-talk] How do CLUEbies vote?

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Sat Sep 29 19:03:58 MDT 2007

> And last, the world becomes more numinous to me, not less, as I learn
> more about how things work, and how unlikely they are to have just
> happened to work.

I think it's more satisfying to hike a mountain, saying, "Oh my God,
thank you for this mountain and for my eyes and my ears and my nose and
my legs and my feet with which to enjoy it." than to hike up the same
mountain, thinking, "Oh my, I sure am glad this mountain and I happened
to happen."

It's good to believe that Someone cares enough to create me and that
mountain.  It's more difficult (for me) to believe that it just happened
that this planet supports life, and it's no fun, either.  Don't get me
wrong, I'm saying that things are good, but that they're better with
God, and not better without, so until and unless God is impossible, I'll
choose to believe.

One more round, I ~really~ like that Jesus guy.  What do you think of
him?  Have you taken the time to get to know him, or are you so pissed
off at Jimmy Swaggart (et al) that you're voting against him, because he
is associated with them, sort of like I did with Al Gore?

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