Consolidating Linux boxes (was Re: [clue-talk] Linux Counter)

Michael Fierro miguelito at
Wed Jul 9 07:52:04 MDT 2008

On Tue July 8 2008 5:52:25 pm Nate Duehr wrote:
> > The names you chose for your PCs are characters from Futurama? That is kind of a cult classic! What's a drive space?
> I decided on mountain towns in Colorado for mine, and it works for me, 
> but I get pedantic sysadmin friends who ask me,

Yeah, as long as one isn't in a business environment, the naming convention doesn't really matter. As long as you can remember what machine corresponds with what name, of course. :) I am eventually going to print out a label  and put it on my laptop. It's totally inappropriate to have a machine named "bender" without having "bite my shiny metal ass" somewhere on it.

Michael Fierro                                  miguelito at
Y! Messenger: miguelito_fierro                           AIM: mfierro1                 
Woody: YOU! ARE! A! TOYYYYY! You're not the real Buzz Lightyear! You're - you
 are an action figure! You are a child's play-thing!

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