[clue-talk] Wow, Card's a little political...

Jed S. Baer cluemail at jbaer.cotse.net
Sat Nov 1 11:05:33 MDT 2008

On Sat, 1 Nov 2008 10:30:30 -0600
Sean LeBlanc wrote:

> You're seeing everything through a lens of fiscal policy, I think. Or

Nope. I use the lens of Liberty. That includes economic liberty as well,
so you weren't exactly off the mark. I did say that I'm a minarchist.

> > Seriously, do you really think you can score debate points by invoking
> > Hitler?
> Not trying to score points, and I don't consider this a debate. Do you?

Well, seems like one. But we can call it a discussion, if you like. Makes
no matter to me.

> Do you see people yelling incendiary things at Obama rallies? Things
> like "off with his head" or "bomb him"? 

And where were the most violent convention protestors? In Minneapolis. To
say nothing of Erica Jong's recent remarks about a new civil war.
Seriously, there's plenty of evidence for violence among lefties. Ever
heard of ELF? I don't watch Obama rallies -- they turn my stomach. (But
then, so does McCain.)

> Do you see his campaign calling people un-American, or referring to
> mythical "real Americans" and mythical places like the "real America"?

Really, I haven't watched. But it beats me what it means to "American"
these days. I've read all about Obama's gun control rhetoric and record.
He's one of those "I support the 2nd Amendment, but ..." types, who
actually don't support it, but claim they do. To me, that's un-American.
Forced redistribution of wealth is un-American, IMHO. If the shoe fits ...

In re. McCain, BCRA is un-American, IMHO. So Obama could just as well say
"pot, kettle".

> These are very chilling things.

I find most of the crap flowing out of DC to be chilling. Doesn't Pelosi
want to reinstate the "fairness" doctrine? Oh, that pesky 1st
Amendment ... nevermind.

When our elected representatives ignore the Constitution with impunity,
to me, that's chilling.

I have no particular thoughts about Palin, other than that's she's pretty
damn easy on the eyes. But anyone seriously arguing that she's
unqualified to be VICE President, ought to be leveling the same
criticisms at Obama.

> Again, this is looking at stuff strictly through a lens of fiscal
> policy, it seems. There is much more to the picture than just fiscal
> policy, IMHO.

See above.
> coming out of the 'wingers like Limbaugh, Klannity (*), Michael Weiner
> (*) Reference not made lightly. Look into who this guy is buds with.

Sean Hannity is a bloviating asshole. JMHO, but I couldn't care less what
he thinks, and I don't listen to him.


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