[clue-talk] oil...

Grant Johnson grant at amadensor.com
Tue Nov 4 06:38:17 MST 2008

>> Like Venezuela?
> I don't know that much about how Venezuela does their drilling, do 
> you?  I'm guessing you don't,  you just thought it would be a good 
> argument to pick a poorly-run country that happens to do what I made a 
> side suggestion about.
No, what they did was nationalize their oil industry.   The took what 
belonged to private companies and individuals, put them out of business, 
and took it for the government.   Now the government takes all of the 
money, and the people get nothing.

The point is that when you try to make things fair by letting the 
government step in, usually, they just steal it from the people, and 
give nothing back.

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