[clue-talk] A Significantly Better Mousetrap, was Re: [clue-tech] Mephis linux

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed Nov 19 15:46:31 MST 2008

Unless I misread your post, you're unexcited by any of the things others are doing, and you have no exciting ideas of your own to promote.  I'm sorry, but I find myself unable and unwilling to contribute to that mindset, and I find it darned curious that you would think the perspective valuable enough to share considering how unlikely it is to motivate anyone to try to do anything.

The one thing you seem a little interested in is the "real fix" spam problem.  Go design that fix.  Then, when you're all done designing and beginning to implement, tell me again how Free vs. Proprietary is not a meaningful debate.

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