[clue-talk] ethical omnivores

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed Sep 10 12:32:45 MDT 2008

I meant to throw a link into my last reply on the subject, but I forgot...

So, here are a couple:



Honestly, this isn't costing me anything.  I do a little.  I make a little noise.  Maybe
I go out to eat a little less so I can afford the extra dollar or two when I do?  I eat
everything that can't outrun me, but the idea of meat softened by forced immobility
makes me lose my appetite.

I will never, ever endorse a PAC or a lobby on this issue, or most others.  PACs are the
spawn of Satan, misdirecting my tax dollars for other folks' issues, or someone else's
tax dollars for my issues.  Either way, it's wrong.  Charity and ethics should be the
purvey of individuals, and we individuals should step up and live ethically and
charitably.  We should use our money as we see fit, not depend on Washington's teat.

-- David

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