[clue-talk] Moving to IT (from development)

David Rudder david.rudder at reliableresponse.net
Fri Dec 11 09:52:42 MST 2009

I got a very decent job with Dex Media a few years back that would fit 
you well.  I was the in-between from IT to development.  Basically, when 
something broke, it was my job to figure out what and make the 
responsible party fix it.  Stuff like:

* It works when running on my single-core desktop, but fails when 
running multi-core
* It works when running on my single-server desktop, but fails when 
* It fails consistently when running at night...is there a way we can 
recover automatically instead of having a fire drill every morning?
* Connection pool issues
* Convincing developers that source control is a good thing
* etc.

The pay was decent, the work was interesting.  Too many panic attacks 
for my taste, but it was my responsibility to manage them and I was able 
to reduce the attacks significantly after a few months.  When things 
were quiet, I build tools to manage the software release cycle, like 
Anthill plugins and Jabber servers.

The title of the job is "Production Engineering Architect"


Sean LeBlanc wrote:
> I sometimes wonder about moving to an IT position - I've been developing for
> 15 years and wonder if anyone else has made a similar transition and/or has
> advice to moving to a sys/network admin type of role - and out of a
> programming background.

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