[clue-talk] Windows fix-it tools using Linux

Louis Miller miller106c at comcast.net
Thu Dec 17 08:01:45 MST 2009


        I went through a big hassle, yesterday, trying to re-install 
Vista, after the OS got gunked up with viruses. I found this really 
interesting tool, that replaced GRUB with a Windows MBR for me, without 
any work. It is an ISO image of only 4MB in size. It is called Super 
Grub Disk. Next, time this happens, I can re-install Vista in 1 and half 
hours, instead of 4 or 5 hours.

        If I try to bring up a subject, and it was already brought up, 
before, then someone would be welcome to let me know the title of the 
thread, and I can read what was already said in the archives. I already 
heard about the Gparted Live CD, which is indispensable for repairing 
Windows. Can anyone recommend some more Linux and Open-Source tools for 
repairing Windows?


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