[clue-talk] The stimulus bill

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Thu Feb 5 18:24:31 MST 2009

Not me.  I think this will result in rampant inflation.  This bailout is a lot like printing money.


Agreed, and everyone I talk to agrees too… so why aren’t the phones to the Congresscritters lighting up?  Or are they, and the Congress is ignoring the calls?


Another good quote I heard today was along these lines: 


“In order to have consumption you must first have production.”


If Ford, GM, and Chrysler are producing crap no one wants, they die.  Business 101.


Same thing with Wall Street.


Does defating the fake wealth based on debt hurt?  Yes.  Does replacing debt with debt change anything or just delay the inevitable?


We have to make things first, that people want, before the “consumer” is going to “consume” again.  Taking away their fake cash (in the form of 2nd mortgages and credit cards) is bound to bring buying things that are unnecessary to a halt – which is exactly what’s happening.


You (meaning all of us, as a country) are either living within our means, or we’re not).  You can’t spend your way out of a debt hole.



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