[clue-talk] Shared Geek Calendar

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed Dec 15 10:53:49 MST 2010

I'm sharing one of my Zimbra calendars publicly at the following addresses, with the following events. If you'd like to add events, or you see errors, please let me know directly. 

subscribe https://zimbra.thegeek.nu/home/dlwillson@thegeek.nu/GeekCal 
view https://zimbra.thegeek.nu/home/dlwillson@thegeek.nu/GeekCal.html 

+ BLUG's first "Installfest-in-the-Cloud" 
+ CLUE Installfest by Dave Anselmi 

+ BLUG Pre-Meeting social 
+ BLUG Monthly Meeting 
+ CLUE Monthly Meeting 
+ Denver Makers Monthly Meeting 

I'll be happy to be outdone on this. The only reason I put the darn thing up is because nobody else did. 

David L. Willson 
Trainer, Engineer, Enthusiast 
RHCE MCT MCSE Network+ A+ Linux+ LPIC-1 NovellCLA UbuntuCP 
Freedom is better when you earn it. Learn Linux. 
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