[CLUE-Tech] debian network configuration files

Randolph Cordell open2ningz at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 26 22:04:04 MST 2000


It sounds as if Debian is set up for networking the same way TruboLinux and
RedHat are.  The script that starts networking is the
/etc/rc.d/init.d/network.  You should see an 'S' link file for this in both
rc3.d and rc5.d corresponding to runlevels 3 and 5.  If you view a ways down
in the network file you 'll see that it is going into
/etc/sysconfig/network-sripts and runing ifcfg*.  Those script files are
named ifcfg-lo and ifcfg-eth0 for the loopback and ethernet0 interfaces
respectively and are the files that configure your network at bootup.  Inside
those files you will find (or you can create those files with) the following

DEVICE=lo		file ifcfg-lo='lo' and ifcfg-eth0='eth0' (or eth1 etc)
IPADDRESS=	your IP address
NETMASK=	your netmask
BROADCAST=	your broadcast address
BOOTPROTO=		dhcp or bootp here if you have a server (DSL modem?).
ONBOOT=yes		THE KEY to starting your network at boot
GATEWAY=	gateway, router, DSL modem internal address

If you use BOOTPROTO=dhcp, then you can leave all the rest BLANK except
DEVICE=lo (or eth0) and ONBOOT=yes an dhcp will configure the rest.


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