Brian MR. Stamper brianstamper at smartsbroadcast.com
Wed Apr 11 13:22:57 MDT 2001

I am currently following the http://www.linuxfromscratch.org directions on creating well.. Linux from scratch. :-)  Just curious if anyone has done this or tried.  I'm getting to the point where I install the fileutils which include chown, grep among many others and I'm getting an error when running make:
dircolors.c:40:15: not enough arguments for macro "strndup"
then procedes to a dircolors.o and comes back w/ and Error 1 and then follows by an all-recursive Error 1 and then an all-recursive-am Error 2.  Has anyone run into this or similar errors so that I know where to run from here?
Thanks so much,
Brian R. Stamper
Field Installation/Tech Support
Smarts Broadcast Systems
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