[CLUE-Tech] memory

Timothy C. Klein teece at silverklein.net
Wed Dec 5 08:40:49 MST 2001

This is normal, and a good thing.  It caches all disk activity in there,
if it can, and that way performance is increased by reducing the need to
write to disk.  The kernel is smart, it only does this when you are not
using the ram.  So if you have 1000 MB, but are using 100 MB, it will
put the rest to good use.  If you fire up VMware, or Staroffice, the
kernel will automatically reduce the disk cache, and let the memory
hungry app have the RAM.

There were some trouble in VM performance in the early 2.4 kernels which
could lead to swap storms, but these seem to have been fixed in the
latest 2.4 kernels.


* Mike Staver (staver at fimble.com) wrote:
> Is there a way to clear out or simply control how much memory is
> cached?  I just ordered a gig of ram for this box that only have 384
> megs before, and I was usually using around 57 megs of swap.  So, I
> ordered this ram... but now the box is currently using about 1.1 gig,
> with almost 800 megs being cached.  Is this normal, or should be trying
> to figure out how to keep the cache lower?
> -- 
>                                 -Mike Staver
>                                  staver at fimble.com
>                                  mstaver at globaltaxnetwork.com
>                                  http://www.fimble.com/staver
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== Timothy Klein || teece at silverklein.net   ==
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