[CLUE-Tech] The Great Alpha-Luv-Fest

Keith Hellman kehellman at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 6 00:04:44 MST 2001

Hello All:

I have downloaded and split the SuSE 7.1 AXP (Alpha) distribution across CDs.  If your planning on
taking advantage of the Alpha Fest at the next meeting (geez I hope this is still on?); AND you
would like to give SuSE a try, let me know and I will bring as many copies as are requested, or as
many I can burn before Tuesday.

I have appended my own README for the CDs below
kehellman at yahoo.com - December 2, 2001

This is a set of 6 CDs that constitute a mirror (sans spm) of the
SuSE AXP (Alpha) FTP distrobution.  I mirrored the site locally
>WGET='-nH --cut-dirs=6 -T 45 --passive-ftp --mirror --timestamping -X
>wget ${WGET} ftp://ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/distributions/suse/suse/axp/7.1/
around the last weekend of November.  The download has been
grouped into 6 CD images (about 3.5Gb).

I'll make copies for anyone taking advantage of the 'Alpha-Early-Christmas-Party'
at the next CLUE meeting.  I would only ask that you let me know if you 
want a set - so I don't blow too many CDRs.

I understand there is also going to be a door prize Alpha so unless there
are objections, I'll burn a set for that lucky dog too.

The SuSE ftp distribution has a fair amount of windows cruft
(suse/axp/7.1/windows, about 314Mb) which WOULD have landed on CD1 
had there been room - there wasn't so its on CD6.  Apparently its for 
'enterprise' activities or setting up SuSE linux on a machine running 
Windows NT/AXP.  I figured we have a majority 'boot-disk' demographic so
I pushed this stuff off to the end...

There is 1.5Gb of source RPMs available via FTP that are not on the CDs
(all in the 'suse/zq1' directory).

I could not find AXP boot CD images on the SuSE ftp site, nor mention that
they did exist.  The SuSE readme says to
a) mirror their site
b) provide your mirror to the target Alpha via ftp
c) create a boot disk for alpha
d) choose FTP install and point the installer to your mirror
So you will need a little diskspace (~3.5Gb) and some type of network
to use these CDs.  I have attempted to keep the 'important stuff' on
the first CD.  I judged 'important' by looking at my 6 CD SuSE Professional
Distro (Intel) and determining which package sets were on which CDs, and letting
that guide my CD groupings.  It did not come out to be a perfect 1-1 mapping
but it is close.  I suspect that if you don't mind a few false-starts, you
could get away with less FTP space than 3.5 gigs.  YMMV.

This file (README_CLUE) is on the first CD, as well as INDEX_CLUE.gz which is 
an index file for all 6 CDs.  These are the only files that did not come off 
the FTP site.

Keith E. Hellman
kehellman at yahoo.com

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