[CLUE-Tech] HELP - window manager

Matt Gushee mgushee at hypermall.net
Fri Nov 16 03:26:01 MST 2001

jon b writes:

 > Now Enlightenment is uninstalled and I can't get X-server to run properly
 > because of the WM (my strong hunch).  Any thoughts?

Ed Hill writes:

 > I'm a big fan of E and its very easy to get it working in conjunction with
 > the Gnome Panel or with multiple Gnome Panels.  Here is my .Xclients file:

Or, you could do this (I haven't used Red Hat for a while, so don't be
surprised if I get some details wrong) to change WMs while keeping the
graphical login

1. Become root
2. Go to /etc
3. If there is a file in /etc/sysconfig called wm or windowmanager, that
    will be the preferred Red Hat way of determining the WM. I don't
    think this file exists, but I thought I should mention it just in
    case. If it does exist, edit it and you should be done (assuming
    you edited it correctly ... generally the /etc/sysconfig files are
    pretty easy to understand)
4. Otherwise, look for a variable called WINDOWMANAGER. If you have
    rgrep or mc you can just grep recursively through the whole /etc
    tree. Otherwise you'll have to walk the tree manually and do a
    'grep WINDOWMANAGER *' in each subdirectory 'til you find it. To
    save you some effort, I'd say the likely locations are
    /etc/sysconfig, /etc/rc.d, /etc/X11, and their respective
5. If you found a file that *sets* WINDOWMANAGER, edit it and you
    should be done. Most likely, though, you will only find a script
    or two that *uses* $WINDOWMANAGER. In that case, you should 
    add a line saying

	WINDOWMANAGER=sawfish		## Or whichever WM you like

    to, oh I dunno, maybe /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Let's see, it's an 
    init script so you shouldn't need to export the variable ... I
    think that's it. YMMV.

Matt Gushee
Englewood, CO, USA

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