[CLUE-Tech] Stumping the stiffs II: Cabbages and Kings

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed Jul 24 22:50:59 MDT 2002

This is the winning answer.  Tested and accurate on all points.  I will
give your DIMM to CLUE at the next meeting, per your instruction.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Ockers


> The prize this time is a 128Mb PC-100 DIMM.  The best complete and 
> usable answer in 24 hours wins.  Prize delivered at the next CLUE 
> meeting.  My name is David.  I'll be wearing a red fedora.

Sorry, I won't be there.  If my answers are the winners, consider
donating it to the CLUE projector fund cause.

> 1.  There are idle connections showing up in my 'who' output.  I know 
> they're idle, they're my connections.  How do I get control of those 
> sessions to gracefully 'exit' them?

There are several ways.  1. Find the system that originated the
connections. Lot out from the inactive terminals.  2. Find the PID of
the shell on your system that is running on the inactive tty.  (use ps
-axuw and grep for the tty name)  Kill that PID.  3. Use a program like
'force' that lets you send characters to another tty (as root).  Send a
^D (EOF) to that tty - then the shell will exit, the connection will
close, and the handler daemon will die.

> 2.  If I 'dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cd-image.iso', do I get a valid 
> ISO-image of the cd inserted in /dev/cdrom?

Yes.  You could test this by doing a loop-iso9660 mount of the image.

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