[CLUE-Tech] vim question: doing a large document using join

Todd A. Gibson tgibson at augustcouncil.com
Tue May 7 21:15:55 MDT 2002

On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 07:47:36PM -0600, Kevin Cullis wrote:
> Todd,
> Yes, it works, but I was wondering if there are other ways or scripts
> that would do a whole file at once.  Does it sound like I'll have to use
> sed to do the whole file?

Well, working from your regular expression I can get it to two commands
(or two command-ish thingys anyway):

:% s/^ \+/

To map the whole thing to function key #1 

:map #1 :% s/^ \+/<ctrl-v><ret>1GVGgq

<ctrl-v> is control-v
<ret> is the return/enter key:


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