[CLUE-Tech] VIM config

Matt Gushee mgushee at havenrock.com
Tue May 28 08:23:39 MDT 2002

On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 06:15:22AM -0600, Jeffery Cann wrote:
> On Monday 27 May 2002 10:45 pm, Matt Gushee wrote:
> > The question is: is that what $VIMRUNTIME is *for*? In other words,
> > can I rely on the above command to do what it's supposed to?
> This env variable points to all of the runtime files that come with the Vim 
> distribution.  Sure, you can count on it as long as it's in your 
> .bash_profile.

Okay ... if it's supposed to be in .bash_profile, have you checked yours?
'Cuz it's not in mine, nor in my /etc/profile. So there is no $VIMRUNTIME
in a normal bash environment--it's visible only when I run 'env' from 
*within VIM*. As I said in my post.

So, if I chop "as long as it's in your .bash_profile" off your answer, is
it still correct, or do you want to think about that a bit?

Matt Gushee
Englewood, Colorado, USA
mgushee at havenrock.com

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