[CLUE-Tech] SOLVED: Connectivity Issues

Keith Hellman kehellman at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 4 08:06:46 MST 2002

Some of you may recall an issue I described concerning a particular
machine in our office that could not use fetchmail agains a remote pop
server, but could nmap against it.

SOLUTION:  The problematic machine had a new install of RH 8.0.  RH 8.0  
turns ON ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification).  Some router/firewall
between us and our POP server doesn't support ECN, so SYN packets we're
simply be dropped.  We turned it off with echo 0
>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn and everything worked. 

As an aside, I would only say that I've learned my lesson w/r to not
reading diagnostic output meticulously:
- The nmap that 'worked' didn't really work - it reported the service as
  "filtered", not closed.  This is status nmap assigns ports that don't
  respond with either a SYN+ACK or an ICMP unused port message. 
- We performed multiple tcpdumps along the network path in our office, 
  convinced that something internally was doing some packet filtering.
  The result of all the dumps was that a working machine was able to 
  establish a connection, while the problematic machine kept sending 
  SYNs without any response.  It wasn't until we had gone as far
  upstream (our side of our DSL modem) without any resolution that (and
  I would love to say 'we' here but in truth it was a co-worker) the
  dump logs were inspected CAREFULLY, and the SWE flag was noticed as a
  distinct difference.  Had I REALLY looked at the tcpdump output on our
  first tap, the problem would have been solved hours eariler.

Keith Hellman                             #include <disclaimer.h>
kehellman at yahoo.com               from disclaimer import standard

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