[CLUE-Tech] Data models, diagrams, process models documentation

Kevin Cullis kevincu at orci.com
Sun Aug 17 14:23:52 MDT 2003

On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 13:47, Sean LeBlanc wrote:
> Oh yeah, and Dave mentioned CM. I can't tell you how many times I've heard
> "huh?" when this was mentioned. So I'd say, "uh, CM means 'configuration
> management'". And...you guessed it - the reply to that was, "what's
> configuration management?" I'm not kidding, and even the explanation of what
> configuration management means made eyes gloss over. No wonder software
> projects fail, what, 1/2 of the time? :) 

Try 70-80% of the time!! Here's a link:


> It's rather interesting to take a look around people in this field actually
> getting paid for it and that know so little about it. I remember trying to
> describe what Ant is to a co-worker (remember, this is someone who is
> supposed to be a developer):

There is a big difference between being stupid, lacking talent, and
being ignorant.

Stupid: I can't think.
Lacking talent:  Asking any artsy person to fix a computer (could, but
may not happen).
Ignorant: I'm not stupid, I just haven't had the time of inclination to
learn it. Does not knowing how a telephone works prevent me from using
it? Not hardly, but knowing more about may make me more productive.

> Me: "It's like 'make', but for Java." 
> Co-worker: "What's 'make'?"
> Me: "Uh...." <thinking, 'Hoo boy'>
> People reading this who don't know me very well might think I'm an arrogant
> ass, but I'm not, really. I just care about my craft, I guess.

Nothing wrong about caring about your craft, I wish more would, but then
the PHBs would get out of the way a lot more.  But do spend some time
educating those that are ignorant, but you can leave the stupid ones
behind and let the less ignorant ones to help them.  You just
concentrate on those that are one level below you AND want to learn.

Kevin Cullis
8285 S Poplar Way
Centennial, CO 80112

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